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Colgante con pompones morado_bag charm
1 × 10,00
Abanico pintado a mano con flores y mandalas _ hand painted fan with flowers and mandalas
1 × 60,00
Pell D'arbre - Pendientes desiguales de corcho en forma de triángulo - Mismatched earrings triangle shape made with cork
1 × 15,00
Carteras hechas a mano diseño Halloween naranja (anverso) - Recycled paper wallet Halloween design orange (front)
1 × 19,99
Subtotal: 104,99



BohoChoc is a brand of handcrafted jewellery with a Mediterranean bohemian style. Find original pieces made with different materials and textures, with fringes, fabrics and a lot of personality.

Showing all 3 results

BohoChoc – Wooden beads necklace with cowrie shells

18,00 VAT included

BohoChoc – Necklace with pendant and pieces of shells

20,00 VAT included

BohoChoc – Boho earrings in leatherette

15,00 VAT included