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Espalda de chaleco vaquero mujer customizado con tela reciclada valenciana - denim vest customized with traditional valencian fabric from Las Fallas
1 × 39,99
Figura decorativa de papel mache original _ paper mache figurine
1 × 35,00
Café orgánico molido para filtro producto - Organic coffee from Mexico - organic ground coffee
1 × 8,00
Subtotal: 82,99


Neon colors, geometric patterns, magazine clippings are just some of the elements of TamiNeko the sustainable brand based on creative recycling. Tamara gives a new life to what many would consider garbage; she takes each of the objects and letting her imagination run wild turns them into small works of art.
Find slow fashion, accessories and products perfect for a sustainable and zero waste lifestyle.

Showing all 8 results

TamiNeko – Recycled fabric tote bag

18,00 VAT included

TamiNeko – Recycled plastic pouches

15,00 VAT included

TamiNeko – Striped fabric pouches with zipper

15,00 VAT included

TamiNeko – Tangram zero waste and eco friendly t shirts

25,00 VAT included

TamiNeko – Handmade reusable food bags for groceries

24,81 VAT included

TamiNeko – Handmade fabric shopping bags

24,81 VAT included

TamiNeko – Handmade eco friendly bags for grocery shopping

24,81 VAT included

TamiNeko – Handmade eco bags for grocery shopping

29,53 VAT included