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Ideas de regalos para el dia del padre _ Father's day gift ideas
11 March, 2020
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Giving a gift to a man is one of the most complicated tasks there is; and if we talk about Father’s day gift ideas, it’s even worse! How can we choose a single gift to give Dad that shows how much we love him?

We always think of the basics: a tie, a wallet or a wallet; depending on his style we can think of a watch, some glasses or even clothes. However, we are looking for something that is unique and original and that we know he will be able to wear all (or almost all) days.

Original Father’s day gift ideas

Because we know that finding the perfect gift can be a hard and tiring task, we’ve made a list of original product ideas that you can buy for Dad; he’ll love any of these!

1.- Handmade bow tie: This gift is ideal for parents who like fashion. These bow ties are handmade by Handmade Pajaritas and have designs and prints for any occasion. If your father is a Star Wars freak, this bow tie is perfect for him!

2.- Key Organizer: It seems to be a common rule that parents always carry a lot of keys. The keys to the house, the car, a drawer or a cupboard; and for some reason they are the bearers of the keys to the storage room. To make the task of carrying all those keys easier, how about this handmade leather key organizer? It has room for 6 keys, but we know it can hold a few more.

3.- Sunglasses case: Now that the sun is coming out and the hot season is imminent, having a place to store and protect your sunglasses is essential. This sunglasses case is perfect for carrying in a lightweight jacket pocket or a trouser pocket. It is handmade with leather and its interior is soft, so it will not scratch the lenses

4.- Napping cushion cover: Dad will always be the master of the nap, so this cushion cover is the perfect gift. It is made with reused burlap fabric from fair trade coffee bags. Although one side of the cover is made with burlap cloth, the other side is soft so that your face won’t be scarred after a peaceful sleep

5.- Sustainable fashion: Now, if what dad likes is to dress comfortably, he chooses sustainable fashion. Dalua Reluce’s pieces are customized with denim and traditional textiles from Spain, Mexico and Guatemala. With these clothes, you will not only be the most handsome father, but the one with the best style!

Now that you have some ideas, finding the perfect Father’s Day gift will be very easy. Besides, when you buy any of these options you will be helping local consumption, as well as artisans and designers who create incredible things that will last your father many years.

To guarantee that your purchase arrives before March 19th, place your order before March 17th … Or better yet, place your order now!

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